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Guidelines for Authors

The official languages for Africa Mathematics Annals are English and French.

Every submitted paper will be acknowledged and refereed. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically (including the pdf file) to any one of the two Executive Editors, see the Editorial Board for names and addresses on the inside front and back covers.

Authors are invited to type their manuscript with LaTeX (or equivalent). The title of the article must be followed immediately by the name (s) of the author(s) and an abstract which should not be more than 150 words long.

Papers which are written in French should have an abstract in French and an additional abstract in English.

References should be collected at the end of the paper, listed in alphabeticalorder of the author's name and numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals written in square brackets.

Referenced papers should indicate full details of journal of publication as well as page numbers.

Papers must be submitted with full address(es) and e-mail address(es) of the author(s) which should be at the last page of the paper after the References.

such as Proposition, Theorem, Proof, Lemma must be in boldface, and the statements of theorems, lemmas and corollaries in italics.

Each article must be accompanied by the classification number of the Mathematics Subject Classification 2010 followed by key words. A list of these numbers may be found in the annual Subject Index of Mathematical Reviews, published in the December issue.

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